Consult Papa Eddie

>> Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fact#1: EPG Seaga has considerable experience in dealing with the IMF and mulilateral lending institutions.

Fact #2: EPG Seaga has unquestionable forte in implementing taxation measures—hence the nomenclature “Papa Tax”.

Fact #3: EPG Seaga is available; a true labourite who has fashioned the JLP more than any other. It is his legacy that is in peril.

If the above are unassailable and generally (even grudgingly) admitted, then what factors are preventing the Bruce Golding led administration from consulting with Papa Eddie?

Is it not time to put aside or surpass any obstacles that prevent the government from accessing worthwhile advice in the “national interest”?

Given the prolonged and seemingly unprofessional encounters with the IMF, is it not the opportune time to appoint EPG Seaga as “Chief Negotiator”?

They say that a drowning man will grasp at a straw. Jamaica is experiencing a tsunami; the government is merely treading water; it is time for Papa Eddie.He may be more than a straw!!


Anonymous,  January 12, 2010 at 10:03 AM  

Lawd a massi, you hit the nail on the head mr/mrs cynic

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