Cabinet:: Tax & Freeze

>> Monday, January 4, 2010

So the Chief Machete Man has announced (via public media) a 2-year freeze on salaries paid to government. The Minister of Transport has announced (via television interview) a fare hike of 20% and simultaneously a 2-year fare freeze on private transport operators.

The government has claimed that it is working on behalf of the people - the Prime Minister being the self-proclaimed “Chief Servant”.

Well, how about applying a wage/salary/allowance freeze for 2 years to members of the cabinet? We are all in this mess together. Some cannot avoid living in squalor; others cannot afford multiple refurbished offices much less a  work station. Those who can—albeit at our expense—should have a greater share of the burden.

Accordingly, there should be a Greater Cabinet Tax (GCT)—the actual percentage corresponding to the actual number of members of the cabinet. Utilizing taxation as  a deterrent/inducement tool, such a tax could be levied on all the members of the JLP in the Parliament. Then you would see real pressure exerted on the Bruce Golding-led administration to effect a lean mean machine (as promised).

Want to bet (tax included) that there would be no more than twelve willing to be appointed?


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