"8 O'Clock Jamaica Time"

>> Thursday, March 18, 2010

Those of you old enough will remember this political satire produced by Anthony Gambrill and others on the Jamaican political reality.

It was very amusing with notable Jamaican personalities being brilliantly portrayed to the delight of packed houses revelling in the political foibles.

One memorable performance was that of Harold Brady who portrayed Rex Nettleford. Brady, dressed in black leotards, spun and danced his way around the stage as if Nettleford had indeed choreographed himself in the role.  The voice and mannerisms were impeccably replicated. Brady was brilliant then with his twists and twirls. He was convincing as Rex Nettleford.  The audience applauded his performance and some returned to experience the act again and again.

Sadly Brady is still spinning and twirling his way albeit on a different stage.  The performance has not been credible.  There is no applause and the audience is flabbergasted. Hopefully there will not be a repeat.

There is another scheduled political satire being acted out: "Bruce-on-the-loose", "Bruce Gone to Pot", B.C.- Bruce Confused".

Unconfirmed reports are that the OCG is investigating ticket sales and casting procedures!


Anonymous,  March 20, 2010 at 10:07 AM  

It's time for the curtain to come down. All this talk is reminiscent of jejenum babblement, it smells from afar. There is more to this story than meets the eyes. Lies, lies indeed and more lies. This is referred to as mistakes/misinformation from supposedly responsible public servants. Knock me over with a feather.

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