The Brady Factor

>> Monday, March 22, 2010

The Dudus Extradition Affair (DEA) has been complicated by what can be conveniently called the Brady factor.  Spin is unravelling; embarrassment is spilling all over the government; credibility is a casualty; the situation not only looks bad, but it stinks.

The Golding government needs to come clean. It is walking a vanishing line.  A number of questions remain unanswered:

•    Was Brady provided with written authority to enter into such an arrangement?

•    Did any government/ministry/department receive and respond to any request from the said US law firm regarding the authority of Brady to enter such arrangements on behalf of the GOJ?

•    Who were the individuals that accompanied the SG to meetings with officials of the US government?

•    Did Brady at any time meet with US officials regarding the DEA?

•    How many meetings did the US law firm attend in their capacity as representing the interests of GOJ?

•    Was the AG and Minister of Justice made aware of the occurrence and outcomes of such meetings?

•    Did the AG and Minister of Justice inform the PM and/or the cabinet of the occurrence and outcomes of any such meetings?

•    Did Brady inform the PM about the progress report of the US law firm"s representation on behalf of the GOJ?

•    Did the PM at any time instruct Brady on the direction/strategy to be employed in dealings with the US officials?

•    How much money was paid to the US law firm under the said arrangements and how were such funds sourced?

The Government's inept handling of this episode is turning out to be the newest quiz show: The Brady  Fact - or -???


Anonymous,  March 22, 2010 at 11:56 AM  

It would be further interesting to find out when the agreement was drawn up, the substance and who signed it and dated it. What dates, times and location[s] the meetings were held. HMMMM, you never smoke without fire. We need TRANSPARENCY , from the double "BB". Ja Cynic you got it to rahtid

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