Lies, Damn Lies and Dunce Lies

>> Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A full statement has been released by Samuda on his findings re the Manatt, Phelps & Phillips Engagement by Brady and Co.

The nine point statement raises a number of questions.

Point one: Who are those "persons within the JLP" who approached Mr. Brady? If there was a treaty dispute between the US and Jamaica why is the JLP interfering in such?

Point two: What is Brady's vast experience in international law and politics ? Is there no one else in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in possession of such skills? Why not appoint Harold Brady Consultant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

Point three: Why is Mr. Brady's firm retaining the services of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips to have discussions with relevant officials of the US government, in which the GOJ has no interest?

Point four: If the meeting between the Solicitor General and officials of the State and Justice Departments was arranged by the Min of Foreign Affairs and the US Embassy of Jamaica, on what basis would the Solicitor General seek to include an "observer" a couple hours before its commencement.

Point five: Who are the members of the team that accompanied the Solicitor General to that meeting? On what basis was the Solicitor General discussing with Manatt, Phelps & Phillips alternative approaches that have to be taken in similar treaty disputes with the US? Solicitor General Leys indicated that the meeting was arranged by Brady and was mainly introductory. This does not square with Samuda's findings.

Point six:  How did the Solicitor General obtain "the full approval of the State Department" to have a representative of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips attend the meeting as an "observer".

Point seven: If Samuda's findings are true then the Solicitor General is duty bound to tender his resignation by his acceptance of the suggestion by a firm: with which he had had no previous contact, did not inform him that they had already been retained by Brady & Co. and without more he invited them to "observe" discussions between the GOJ and officials of the government of the United States.

Point eight:  What is a brief social encounter? How does one arrange such with a representative of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips? In what capacity was Harold Brady acting when he issued an invitation to the Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade to attend a meeting at the State Department? Who attended that meeting? Is it mere coincidence that Dr. Ronald Robinson and Harold Brady were in Washington at the same time, similar to the chance meeting of Brady and Leys?

Point nine: Have "persons within the JLP" entered into any contractual arrangement with Manatt, Phelps and Phillips? Have "persons within the JLP" facilitated the payments of submitted invoices?

So persons within the JLP decided to assist the JLP government.  This apparently was done without the knowledge of members of the JLP who are also members of the cabinet.  What exactly was the interest of the JLP in this matter? Furthermore Manatt, Phelps and Phillips would have provided written reports of its meetings and positions reached with officials of the US state and justice departments. These would have been provided to Brady and Co. for the benefit of "persons within the JLP". Did those reports reach cabinet members within the JLP? 

So Bruce Golding was not informed of such dealings in his capacity of Prime Minister of Jamaica. Was he so informed in his capacity as leader of the Jamaica Labour Party? Why has it taken so long for members of the hierarchy of the JLP to admit that this initiative was conceived and hatched within the JLP?

And the cow jumped over the moon.


Anonymous,  April 28, 2010 at 10:28 AM  

There is no TRANSPARECY here, more bungling and shady moves exposed. As I said before...... with apolgy to Sir Walter Scott.
'Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive'. Shame on the whole bunch of Labourites, you are a disgrace, you should resign en bloc.

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